Brown Dog CRM Consulting, Carol Smock 

Brown Dog CRM Consulting, Carol Smock

  "unleash the power of customer loyalty" 


These seminars can be delivered in 1 to 3 hours, and are primarily instruction-based.
Handouts are given for the purpose of taking notes.

Top 5 Reasons Your Customers Don't Come Back & How to Change it!
CRM Reality Check (designed for Marketing Professionals and Business Owners)
Keep Your Customers, Improve Your Bottom Line
Keep Your Customers in Economic Uncertainty
Making Sense of Your Dashboard
Creating & Using a Customer Profile

Cost: $250/hour, class size maximum is 30 people, up to 3 hours.
Call for full and half-day seminar costs.

Any of these subjects may be converted to a 20-30 minute speech.
Cost : $200, size of audience is not limited.


Desgined for Small Business Owners who are tasked with developing their own Marketing Strategies.
This workshop is offered over a 5-week period, for 2 hours each week. 

Increase Revenues with a Customer Retention Strategy

Cost: $750/hour, class size maximum is 10 people. 
Current Schedule

Train the Trainer

Brown Dog CRM Consulting has a full repertoire of Train the Trainer Programs that give your employees the tools for success. They include:

FABUlous Customer Service

CRM Reality Check

Measuring Retention
Networking for Success... Not Just Sales
Managing Change and Changing Management

 (You CAN Accomplish Change with Your Current Staff)
Closing the Generation Gaps

Arming YOU with the Tools to Achieve Success.

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